Every struggle is a victory

When the pandemic started, and then online class was declared, we students will be studying in our house to prevent the spreading of the virus but it lead me and the other student into many struggles.

Greetings everyone!!

Let me introduce myself, I’m Arnie lovely fabul, and written on this blog are my struggle and challenges while facing online classes.

As a student, I should attend every class, 7 in the morning until 5 afternoons and I went through many things just to attend and learn every lesson, since its online I should be providing devices and a daily internet connection, and I struggle a lot living in a rural area which there is no stable connection, a small rain and cloud will interrupt the connection that made me left the meeting. I don’t have any Wi-Fi or a fast internet cable I just use data through my phone which I have to speed money too.

I don’t have an area which I can study, I only study in any corner of our house that will make me comfortable. Focusing on my teacher’s lesson is also hard because I mostly hear noise coming from the outside or inside the house and that interrupts me from coping with the lesson.

As a daughter and a student, we all have obligations, and both of my obligations are combined, and I struggle to manage them both.

My biggest struggle is the distance between my house to my school, I live in El Nido and my school is in Puerto Princesa City, I travel 6 hours to my school to get books and to enroll. My only connection to all my classmate and teacher are my social media.

Realizing that all of our struggles and challenges are also our stepping stone to succeeding makes me think that all struggle is worth overcoming.

Let’s hope for better days. Keep fighting.

Have a great day!!!

1 Comment

  1. vvictoriaranz says:

    This is so positive !!! 😘, now I will think of my self as Victorious for every struggle I will encounter! Great Blog


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