The Difficulties of Not Having Everything

Hi I’m Jade, this story is based on what I have experience the struggles and challenges that happened to me this year through online platforms. Due to how I haven’t gotten used to waking up at 4am in the morning to deal with things that I need for studying, although I experienced this in the past it wasn’t usually like this. In the morning I have to wake up early just to go to a nearby elementary school just to connect to their free Wi-Fi.

It wasn’t easy, I didn’t have a proper table or seat that I can lay stuff down on, it was cold, and at the same time, noise was everywhere, there’s people cussing, shouting, and other annoying noises all over the place. I also tried going to nearby places with a good signal, I even tried going to a nearby fishpond, a place where I can open Facebook but it wasn’t enough to properly connect to our online class sessions. I also experienced running because I was getting caught up in the rain while taking a class, funny isn’t it? These things will remain as a memory to me.

Things even got more odd to the point that I had to travel from a city to another just to connect to my parent’s, not to mention that I had to go back home after. I had to travel very early in the morning then travel home at sundown after classes. That was how the world goes round in my point of view during those times.

That’s when my grandaunt taught that we should move in to their home there instead since one of the rooms in there didn’t have any occupants. Eventually me and my older sister moved there.

As time passes, our situation started to go south. My sister always gets the blunt of the criticism, sometimes other occupants would criticize things about her, the course she took, they’d call-out how likely that she’s gonna end up with low paying work, how her body’s condition doesn’t look good, how she looks pale and thin, eventually we decided to move-out.

We thought of moving out since we were the one’s always dealing with the chores to the point that her _______ didn’t even do any anymore, they also started arguing, and the place was filled with guys anyway, so my father also wanted us to move out, eventually making us move inner in to a barrio in the more developed parts of the city.

After moving, that’s when the burdens of studying started to lighten up, although we were financially struggling with our data provider, at least our days were worth it since we were with our second cousins in-law. Of course we can’t keep away troubles forever so my parents are still nervous which led to them getting Wi-fi installed in our home instead.

Of course, as my mother had said, troubles don’t really fully go away. the tensions in the house are still there, my brothers sometimes don’t get along, they would tease each other when together, which sometimes makes me forget about the stuff I have to do. I was already used to it, the only most common probably I have was the black-outs since the signal was still not that great, that’s why when there’s a black-out I’m suually not in class, other than that is myself.

As the famous saying goes, “your biggest enemy is yourself.”.

1 Comment

  1. vvictoriaranz says:

    This made me sad 😔, I also have no everything but with this content, I am now very grateful for having something maybe a little but now I appreciate it. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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