The Bumps and Hills

The next year was a little less bumpy. New years just passed, I was already pre-enrolled due to the aforementioned arrangements, and all that was left for me was to wait for updates about the schedule and when class start. THAT was what I thought was left.

A few weeks before classes some of the teachers in the school got in contact with me. The teachers informed me that there was barely any student that signed up for the TVL track. I was shook. It turns out that there was only 3 of us in our chosen strand. That’s when I remembered the past year where I barely saw any students of the same strand, and about the school arrangement.

That arrangement pretty much makes it VERY hard for me to transfer to a different school and other students of the same level from doing the other way around. We were stuck to 3 ever since last year, that was it, no more, no less.

They told me that we had 2 choices, we either transfer to another strand or persevere and carry the costs of only having 3 students for the same strand. If you think about it, it would’ve been simple. Just transfer or keep going, it’s not like there’s much costs to continuing. That would’ve been the case if TVL didn’t have different strands and if those strands didn’t have many specializations, unfortunately that wasn’t that case and even more unfortunate was that we had different specializations. That wasn’t the only problem, remember, I took TVL as a track, ICT as my strand, and computer hardware/systems servicing as my specialization.

Those conditions pretty much means that we shoulder almost all tools and supplies we need, not to mention that we took different tracks and specializations. This means for me that I will have to shoulder the costs of tools, hardware, and software that I may need for computer servicing, luckily for me, I already had some tools and things like a computer, the problem which is that my mentor wouldn’t be able to personally monitor how I work, which means I am risking those supplies if I do something wrong, and computers aren’t exactly cheap.

After taking it all in, I decided to postpone my decision. It took me a few days, and more unfortunate for me, in the span of deciding, the other 2 students pretty much switched to a different track, one of them taking STEM, which is also one of my options. I was left all alone. I was alone in the track, strand, and specialization that I chose. This prompted me to really make sure that my parents know what I and their money will go to.

After a few days, I decided that I will continue.

I stayed in my track. on the course of the ongoing year I called my father, asked him if there was a spare computer that he stored in the past when our computer cafe closed down he shipped it, I dismantled it. I purchased a crimping tool and added it in my toolsets, some supplies that I was informed to be needed like materials for ethernet cables which I ended up making, got a new flashdrive, and downloaded an installer for windows.

After going through months of those small bumps I’m finally almost finished. I am almost done with this current struggles, a few months away from graduating and also a few months away from the quarantine in the Philippines from being over.

I’m proud to assume that I will have graduated before May 2022.

1 Comment

  1. vvictoriaranz says:

    This is so me!!! Everything seems impossible until it’s done. Great Blog here! ♥


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