Hello everyone!! I am Leslie Anne Tansiongco, grade 12 student. In this blog I will be sharing my experiences, my struggles and challenges, strengths that I have discovered, and the lesson I have learned in two years of online classes.

Pandemic cause many changes in our life, one of the changes is the new way of learning called online class. Last year online classes started and I was currently in grade 11 at that time. Since it was new for us so there’s a lot of adjustments we need to make in order to cope and survive in the new way of learning. Online classes give so much struggles to the students, teachers, and as well as to the parents of students.

The most common problems we encountered during online classes are poor internet connectivity, electricity or power interruption, and gadget malfunction. But aside from it there’s a lot of problems that I’ve experienced from the very beginning of the new way of learning. One of the most common struggle that I experienced is having unstable internet connection. I am having a hard time everytime I join in google meet because there are only selected areas in our barangay where there is a stable internet connection at the same time you will need to spend money for the load since there was no WiFi in our area.

Every student have different learning abilities, some are fast learners, and others are not. Like me I’m not a fast learner and at the same time I’m a transferee student so there’s a lot of adjustments I need to do in order to keep up with the abilities of my classmates.One of the challenges that I have encountered as a transferee student is that sometimes there are teachers who skips some lessons their reason why they don’t teach it anymore is because they said that it already been told to us during our junior highschool then they proceed to the next topic. Everytime teacher do that I was left behind because those lessons weren’t taught to us because I came from public school, both have different curriculums so the lessons that being taught to us were too late compared to private schools.

Also one of the disadvantages of being a transferee student is you don’t know who are your classmates and you don’t have a friend to answer your questions whenever you want to ask something. Since i’m not close to my classmates and for some reason i’m afraid that they might laugh at me, that they might say that it’s so easy not to understood. Instead of asking them, I will message directly my teacher but my teacher will not be able to answer it immediately because I am not the only student and they are also busy. I have to wait a long time for their responses unlike before that they can immediately answer my questions.

Online classes is really different from face to face classes because now in online classes we need to manage our time well, it became difficult for me to balance study and household chores. We don’t have enough time to rest because online classes usually start at 8:00 a.m until 5:00 p.m, we only get one hour of lunch break everyday then in the evening it was our time to do the activities and performance task since it is the only vacant time we have so we always lack of sleep. With so many activities asked to do, we have no choice but to stay awake at night just to pass all the activities given.It is was really hard for me because in not allowed to stay awake for a long period of time because I have a history of aplastic anemia. I get bruises everytime that I’ve been awake in the evening doing all the activities. There’s nothing I can do but sacrifice my own health just to finish all the tasks and activities given. With overload schoolworks, I cannot find a time to do the household chores that’s why I’m always scolded by my mother.

But all these challenges make me more stronger in life. Like the all of the challenges I faced before I know in myself that I can overcome it too. All trials have an associated success in the end so let’s just be positive in life. No matter how hard life is, always believe in yourself because trusting yourself is the best way to overcome every challenges in life. And don’t forget to pray, ask for assistance from God because He always know what is best for us.

Continue achieving your dreams and don’t forget to enjoy the ride of life.

Have a nice day everyone!! Stay safe.

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